To Fill or be Fulfilled

The capacity of our source determines the level of our satisfaction...@lisassong

There is a place deep within us that longs for fulfillment.

In our busy lives with so many things vying for our attention, it would be pretty easy to confuse this craving with the need for a superficial or material alternative.

The truth is we were created to be living tabernacles of THE Living God, to be THE dwelling place of His Spirit, a place where He can abide.

In the alignment of THIS truth, there is a contentment within us that brings peace and fulfillment despite the cares and concerns of this life.

A posture where we can honestly and genuinely declare like the apostle Paul :

For I have learned in whatever state I am to be content. I know how to be abased AND I know how to abound.

EVERYWHERE and in ALL things I have learned to be full and hungry, both to abound and suffer need. I can do all things thru Christ that strengthens me. Philippians 4:11-13 NKJV

Life’s amenities ~ clothes and cars, food and fine jewelry, “boo”friends and bank accounts will most certainly fill you with feel good emotions and temporary satisfaction.

Yet, when we dare to seek Him first, in addition to lasting fulfillment and contentment, He adds “all these things” - the very desires of our hearts to our lives for our enjoyment and pleasure. (Matt 6:33)

“Contentment is the result of fulfillment not filling” @lisassong

Paul, gives us the key to stability and fulfillment - I can do all things THRU CHRIST Who strengthens me .

The key to Paul’s contentment is his source!!

His confidence, faith and hope is in Jesus - THE All-sufficient One, Author & Finisher of our faith and Consistent One .

Living a life of “fulfillment” is like drinking from a well and living a life of “filling” is like drinking from a cup.

The well is connected directly to the water source, it’s capacity is unlimited, you can drink until you are satisfied, fulfilled.

The cup has a limited capacity, once it is empty, you will have to find another source to fill it - that’s a whole ‘nother blog post, lol !

Our source matters.

There is no substitute for the contentment that comes from an authentic relationship with our Daddy God.

One where He is the source of our contentment, where we delight IN HIM, make our boast IN HIM, live-move-breathe IN HIM.

Our source matters ~ as its capacity determines our ability to be fulfilled, content, satisfied and thereby walk in the fullness of everything God intended for our lives.

You don’t have to look any further..

ALL that you could ever need or desire is found in Him.

His capacity is unlimited.

There only one question left:

Who’s YOUR source ?

-Lisa S.

Octavius Moore